Minggu, 15 Juli 2007

The Jakarta Challenge

Due to DFAT's travel warnings, public schools cannot organise field trips to Indonesia. I will be visiting Jakarta for a few days in the July holidays, and the year nines will be with me... in spirit!

I asked the class to give me "challenges" to complete while in Jakarta. When (if!) I complete them, I will write a post about it, and provide photographic evidence.

Here's some of the challenges so far:

  • Eat a gross Indonesian delicacy (Brittney & Erin L)
  • Get a pic of you and a dog with a black spot on his eye (Unknown)
  • Take a photo with someone famous in Jakarta (Ashleigh)
  • Find some hair extensions or clip-ins (Jade)
  • Take a picture while eating a live worm, and bring me a surviiner and the picture (Dennisa)
  • Eat chocolate icecream (Unknown)
  • Take a picture of the highest skyscraper in the city (James)
  • Take a picture of someone with a Superman top on (Erin F)
  • Go bungee jumping (Zac)
  • Go swimming, shopping, talk to people (Chantelle)
  • Buy a voodoo doll (Kyle)
  • Menjadi pengamen (Richard)
  • Take a photo with children in Indonesia (Fareshta)

    I'm not too sure how I'll go about finding (let alone eating!) a worm in Jakarta (which is a huge, metropolitan city!!). Or becoming a "pengamen" (I might get some strange looks!).

    Please comment with some more challenges for me - I only have four days in Jakarta, but I'll try my best to complete them!
  • 2 komentar:

    Ibu Kate mengatakan...

    Selamat malam Ibu Penny

    Sudah naik bajaj di Jakarta?
    Sudah makan martabak?
    Sudah nonton filem Indonesia?

    Saya ingin tahu apakah bisa memebeli CD baru band SIGIT (dari Bandung)?

    Titi DJ ya (Hati-hati di jalan)

    Salam dari Ibu Keti

    Ibu Kate mengatakan...

    Halo Ibu Penny

    Apa kabar?

    Baru coba post pesanan tapi ngak jadi.

    Kacau euy!

    Ibu Keti